Urgent: Help Repair the Barns at MFS before Winter! image

Urgent: Help Repair the Barns at MFS before Winter!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Emergency: Please help fund vital repairs at MFS before winter!

Visitors may have noticed that Maple Farm Sanctuary (MFS) looks a little different from other sanctuaries. MFS is situated on a third-generation farm, and many of our barns and buildings are close to 100 years old.

While we like to think of our buildings as "well-loved," the truth is that the years of wear and tear (and animals like our playful cow Boo Boo) have taken a toll.

Right now, we desperately need to make several repairs to our barns before the cold weather sets in.

Can you help by making a gift to our winter repair fund? Your donation will help ensure that our animals stay safe, cozy, and warm throughout the winter months.

The much-needed repairs include:

  • Replacing damaged doors and frames in our small goat barn in order to keep out the snow.
  • Fixing a broken spigot that causes water to run very slowly and leak—which will be very problematic when things start to ice over.
  • Repairing an old roof overhang that Jim must climb up on in the winter to remove snow.
  • Replacing broken windows in our main barn that have cracked over the years.
  • Fixing a door in Boo Boo's nighttime stall that has been damaged from Boo Boo throwing his ball against it so many times!

Please help make these repairs a reality within the next few weeks by making a gift to our winter repair fund today! We appreciate any amount you can give!

If you make a gift, we'll make sure to keep you updated about the progress of our repairs and how your gift is making a difference. Keep an eye out for update emails over the next few weeks!

The photos below show the repairs your gift will help fix—along with some of the animals who will benefit from them:

Boo Boo promises if you help fix his doorway he'll stop throwing his ball against it so hard.

Gwen would be thrilled if you can help fix the spigot so her water bowl (or foot bath) fills faster.

Astro would love if you could help fix this roof overhang so he'll have a quiet place to watch the snow fall this winter.

Chivo would probably prefer you didn't help fix this window, but he'll learn to live with it.